
Privacy Policy

Logo Design Valley values your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal information. This policy explains how we collect, use, and store your data. It details the types of information we gather, the purposes it serves, and your rights regarding your data. Transparency in data handling builds trust and empowers you to make informed choices about your information.

Privacy Policy

Logo Design Valley ("we," "us," "our", "Logo Design Valley") respects your privacy and is devoted to serve by keeping identifiable information protected. Our Privacy Policy to which we are committed to follow is adopted to explain what information we may collect on this website "Site" and its usage for services and/or how we may share it with others.

By availing our services and using this "Site" you acknowledge and agree to our terms mentioned and set forth in this Privacy Policy. However, we advise to return to this Site time to time in order to review our Privacy Policy that we may amend or revise without notice. Any amendment or changes made in site Privacy Policy will be applied and followed immediately upon updating of revised Privacy Policy terms on this Site.

We typically provide logos for original designs within 1-2 business days.

Your Information and How we Make Use of It

This Site Collects Two Kinds Of Information:

  • Personally Identification Information: Your name and your e-mail address is categories as personally identifiable information which is not collected automatically from your visit on this Site.

  • Non-Identifiable Information: this information does not personally identify you which means the number of users who login /sign-in on to this website on daily basis

However, by subscribing to our site or acquiring any of Logo Design Valley site services we may ask you to provide specific information about yourself that is essential to provide appropriately.

Legal Requirements

For legal requirements, we may disclose any non-personally identifiable or any personally identifiable information if required or necessary by law. In Case, If We Believe That Such Information Is Legally Important To Disclose In Order To:

  • Fulfill a Government request

  • Obey with the requirements of the law or to follow with legal requirements to comply with legal process served on us.

  • To protect and defend Logo Design Valley legal property and rights of sites and its users.

  • For health and safety concern for site users and the general public.


This site may contain website links that belong to other websites which are not controlled or maintained by us. Please be aware that other website link content is not to the responsibility of Logo Design Valley also for the privacy practices of these other websites. We advise you to go through privacy policies of these other websites and their statements before providing any personally identifiable information.