Complementary colors are pairs of colors opposite each other on the color wheel. These colors can create a striking and dynamic visual contrast in website design. When used effectively, complementary colors can make sense of balance and harmony and can also be used to draw attention to specific elements on a website. This article will explore using complementary colors in website design to create an engaging and visually pleasing user experience.

How to Use Complementary Colors in Website Design

Choose the Right Color Scheme

The first step in using complementary colors in website design is to choose a suitable color scheme. Many different color schemes can be used. This scheme uses two colors opposite each other on the color wheel, such as blue and orange or red and green. The key is to choose colors that will create high contrast and complement each other.

Decide Where to Use the Colors on the Website

Once you have chosen your color scheme, it’s time to decide where to use the colors on your website. One of the most effective ways to use complementary colors is to use one color as the background color and the other as the text color. This creates a high contrast and makes the text easy to read. Another option is to use one color for the main elements of the website, such as the header and footer, and the other color for the secondary elements, such as buttons and links.

Balance the Colors

When using complementary colors in website design, it’s important to be mindful of the overall balance of the design. One way to do this is to use the two complementary colors in different proportions. For example, you could use a darker shade of one color for the background and a lighter shade of the other color for the text. This creates a sense of balance and harmony.

Another way to balance the use of complementary colors in website design is to use a neutral color as an accent. Neutral colors, such as white, gray, or black, can be used to break up the use of complementary colors and create a sense of balance. This can be particularly effective when used with bold or bright complementary colors.

Call to Action Colors

In addition to using complementary colors in website design to create a sense of balance and harmony. They can also draw attention to specific elements on a website. For example, using a bright complementary color for a call-to-action button can help to make it stand out and make it more likely that users will click on it. Similarly, highlighting specific text or images with a complementary color can help them stand out and draw attention to them.

Color Tones

It’s important to note that too much use of complementary colors can make the design look overwhelming. Therefore, it is essential to use them strategically and with balance. It’s also essential to use them with enough space around them so they don’t clash with each other and cause visual discomfort. It’s also important to consider the context and the audience when using complementary colors.


Using complementary colors in the website and logo design Website can create a striking and dynamic visual contrast that can help to develop a sense of balance and harmony and draw attention to specific elements on a website. When using complementary colors, it’s important to choose the right color scheme, decide where to use the colors, be mindful of the overall balance of the design, use a neutral color as an accent, and use them strategically and with balance. With a little planning and creativity, you can use complementary colors to create a visually pleasing and engaging user experience for your website visitors.

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